He said the Enemy does not attack an empty vessel, he targets useful and holy vessels; this is so because the Enemy want to prevent such vessels from becoming a blessing and encouragement to others
As long as we remain in Jesus we will be holy, and so long as we remain holy, we will be fruitful and productive all the time in God’s hand. As believers we must get rid of every form of filth in our lives but rather yield to the leading of the holy spirit and live under his leadership and this will transform us and make us holy without which no one can see God (Hebrews 12:14).
Lack of holiness is the reason for the dryness and emptiness in our homes. fellowship and church.
The Church leadership organized a two-day Prayer and Fasting Session for the Church. In his charge on the first day, the leading pastor Rev. Emmanuel A Balami charge the congregants on the importance and relevance of holiness to the believer.